Ulrike + Elisabeth
Thank you very much for your welcome and for the advice about the Camino. Our stay was a happy ending of our walk for this year and we are very much looking forward to continue next year! Ulrike + Elisabeth
Heidi + Sumen
Octobre 12, 2017 Thank you for your kind welcome! We felt at home in your house! Heidi + Sumen ( from Switzerland)
Corinne et Serge (The bikers!)
12th Octobre 2017 Thank you for your excellent welcome, great room, great breakfast….do not change a thing Corinne et Serge (The bikers!)
Thierry from Lille
Thank you a thousand times for your warm welcome. The room was the top and the surrounding peaceful. I really appreciate the ride towards Roncesvalles; it gave me motivations to do the Spanish Camino! Thierry from Lille
Thank you!
After a day under the rain, I was generously welcome with open arms –Marvellous French hospitality. Thank you very much Renate from Frankfort
The Ardennais
Thank you for your welcome and advices for local area. Christian’s historic talk was very interesting and we could have lesson to him little bit longer, we could also have taken some English lesson with the very smiling Genevieve. We will remember this sympatic site for a very long time. All the best for the […]
Josiane & Anne-Marie
A warm and charming stay to end our visit in the Basque county, a journey rich in experience and exchange. All perfect! Thank you, Thank you – Josiane 29, Septembre A “Cosy” and warm ending to our journey on our walk to “Roncesvalles” Breakfast in our pyjamas, luxury! Thank you for everything, advice and […]
Thank you for your warm welcome and for the walking advices , even if we didn’t follow the Camino path. Dominique
Thank you and bon Chemin
The top in hospitality for battered pilgrims, Trust, care, generosity, great moments. Thank you and bon Chemin and all the best for your projects. Henri de Navacelle 27/0917
Paola & Guido
Grazie mille perla vostra ospitalita e gentilezza !! Un momento di relax mille belle natura dei paes Baschi ! Paola & Guido ( Suisse Ligano) Mille merci pour votre hospitalité et gentillesse !! Un moment de relaxation dans un pays au milles belles natures Bises !! Paola & Guido (Suisse Lugano)
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